The Army Benevolent Fund (formerly known as The Soldiers' Charity) started life in 1944.  Demobilisation at the end of the Second World War made it clear that a national charity was needed to give practical help to soldiers, veterans and their families.

Since 1944, The ABF has been supporting veterans of every conflict including the most recent operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The charity gives grants to individuals and other specialist organisations.

Last year, The Soldiers’ Charity supported 6,040 individuals, including helping veterans in their later years, providing mobility assistance and home adaptations for those who’ve been wounded or injured and education and training for soldiers leaving the Army and moving into civilian careers.

The ABF helps soldiers and their families to continue their lives and live them to the full. RIFT Tax Refunds are proud to be able to support this great cause that’s helped so many people over the years.

Every year we make an annual donation to £38,000.  By the end of 2019 we have donated over £255,000 to the Soldiers' Charity. Read more in our Blog.